Lola The Rescued Cat
Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Rescue Stories - Mudpie: She Mended Her Mom's Broken Heart

Hello, and Happy Wednesday! I'm very excited to share a very special rescue story with you. Today, I bring you the tail tale of our very good friend, Mudpie of Melissa's Mochas, Mysteries, and Meows! We've been friends with Mudpie and her Mom since just about the beginning of our blogging adventures, and we just adore them. And we remember when Mudpie arrived at her forever home and how excited the cat blogosphere was! Read on to see how she mended her Mom's broken heart. 


Tortie Rescued Story

Monday, August 24, 2020

PetFusion BetterBox Litter Box and ToughGrip Litter Mat Giveaway!

Hello, and Happy Monday! If you read our last post about our new litter box privacy zone, you'll know we announced a giveaway that starts today! 

Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Create a Litter Box Privacy Zone with PetFusion

I am in the middle of a “catification” project in my apartment, and one of the areas I needed to take a good look at and change was the litter box area.

Lola and Lexy’s litter box is in the living room. Previously it was in a boxed-in corner, and if one of them decided to engage in some “litter box stalking” the other was pretty much trapped. And the tracking! Oh, the tracking! Even though I use a good, low tracking litter, it would still get on my carpet and all over my furniture. It was also right in front of a bookcase that I would frequently need something from, and I would have to move the box to open the door. We all needed an update!

PetFusion Litter Boxes and Accessories

Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Lola and Lexy's Top 5 Ways to Keep Your Cat Cool During the Dog Days of Summer

Hello, everyone. This is Lexy checking in with our newest "Top Five" post. August in New York is hot and muggy, and it's not unusual for temperatures to soar into the 90's. Mother always worries about our safety in this weather, but she has some tips and tricks to make sure Lola and I are comfortable. 

Today we're sharing our top five tips to keep your cat cool during the dog days of summer. 

Saturday, August 8, 2020

Rescue Stories - Linus & Tubby: They Changed Their Human's Life Forever

Hello, and Happy Caturday! What better way to celebrate Caturday than with a fantastic rescue story? Today we present the tale of Linus, brought to us by fellow blogger B.J. Bangs at Paws for Reflection. Read on to see the beautiful impact they had on her life. 


Monday, August 3, 2020

Hound & Gatos® Cat Food - Real Goodness For Life™ (And a Giveaway!)

Regular readers of the blog know that in 2019 I attended Global Pet Expo where I had the opportunity to learn about many pet products on the market. One of these products is Hound & Gatos pet food, and I'm happy to share this high-quality, high-protein cat food with you. 

Thursday, July 30, 2020

Lola and Lexy's Top 5 Signs of Dehydration in Cats

Hello, everyone. This is Lexy checking in with our latest “Top Five” post. July is Pet Hydration Month, and Lola and I thought it would be a good idea to talk about the top five signs of dehydration in cats.