Lola The Rescued Cat
Thursday, November 26, 2020

Happy Thanksgiving 2020


Lola and Lexy

Tuesday, November 17, 2020

5 Tips to Catify Your Small or Rented Home

Space in most city apartments is limited and unless you own your apartment, drilling holes into walls and making other permanent changes are not always possible. This can make catifying your home a little challenging, but not impossible. There are a ton of alternate solutions, and with an open mind and a little creativity, your cat can be living a "catified" life in no time.

If you’re worried about looking like the stereotypical “crazy cat person”, fear no more. I have five tips to help you catify your home in a way that are environmentally enriching for your cat and aesthetically pleasing to the human eye.

catify small spaces

Tuesday, November 10, 2020

Lola and Lexy's Top 5 Household Poisons for Cats

Hello, and happy Tuesday! It's me, Lola, and I'm welcoming you back to another of our "Top Five" posts. In our last post, we discussed some tips on how to get your picky cat to eat. (Mommy said that was about me, but don't believe her!) Today we have another very important topic to discuss with you, household poisons.  Let's get into it! 

Top 5 Household Poisons for Cats

Wednesday, November 4, 2020

Hauspanther's MaxScratch Oversized Cat Scratching Post & Perch

Scratching is a natural behavior in cats that serves many purposes. In a recent post I discussed the importance of cats having appropriate scratching surfaces. The Hauspanther MaxScratch Oversized Cat Scratching Post & Perch is just what you need to give your cat a place to scratch. 

Hauspanther MaxScratch Scratcher

Friday, October 30, 2020

Rescue Stories - Sly Pie: He Found His Way to the Other Side of the Glass

Hello, and Happy Friday! We are so excited to bring you a very special rescue story today. It's not only our last story for 2020, but it's the story of one of our great friends, Sly Pie of Chirpy Cats. We're sure you'll love reading how Sly found his way from watching a cat family through their window to being welcomed into their home with open paws. So, without further ado, we introduce you to Sly Pie. 


Cat Rescue Stories|Chirpy Cats

Monday, October 26, 2020

Lola and Lexy’s Top 5 Tips to Get Your Finicky Cat to Eat

Hello, everyone. This is Lexy checking in, and Lola and I have another great topic for our new “Top Five” post. In our previous post gave you some great tips you can use to encourage your cat to drink more water. Today we have five tips to encourage your picky cat to eat.

5 tips to get your finicky cat to eat

Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Scruffy Paws Nutrition's Kidney-Vitalize Helps Support Your Cat's Kidney Health

Hello, everyone. This is Lexy checking in with another product review for you. If you're a long time reader of our blog, you know that one of our goals is to bring all of you information that can help your cats live a happy, healthy life. Telling you about products that are on the market is one of the ways we do this. 

Kidney-Vitalize Twitter Graphic