Lola The Rescued Cat
Friday, January 8, 2021

Lessons I Learned From My Rescued Cat

Ten years ago this month I adopted Lola. Well, it’s probably more accurate to say that Lola adopted me. My life has changed so much over the past ten years, and everything that has happened is because I instantly fell in love with a skinny little cat with a snotty nose (that she wiped all over me) who was so sick she couldn’t even meow.

Lessons I learned from my rescued cat

Monday, January 4, 2021

Five Winter Weather Tips to Help Community Cats

Happy 2021 to all our readers! This time last year as I was brainstorming content ideas, I decided I wanted to focus more on community cats. I developed the idea to start a Community Cat Awareness series, but unfortunately, COVID-19 put the big kibosh on my plans. I refused to be deterred, though. 

Throughout the pandemic I attended numerous webinars, took copious notes, made connections, and learned so many exciting things that I cannot wait to share. I plan on writing posts full of great information on how to enhance the lives of community cats including colony care, TNR, TNR ordinances, and more. I am also hoping to interview some people immersed in the world of community cats. 

So, after that long intro, welcome to the first post in our Community Cat Awareness series; Winter Weather Tips to Help Community Cats.

winter weather tips for outdoor cats

Friday, December 25, 2020

Merry Christmas 2020!

We wish all of our friends the merriest of merries. May your holiday be bright and safe! 


Lola, Lexy, and Dawn

Tuesday, December 22, 2020

Our Letter to Santa - 2020

 Hello, and Happy Monday! This year, like every year, Lexy and I wrote a letter to Santa, and we decided to share it with all of our friends. 

What's in your letter to Santa this year? 

Lola and Lexy

Friday, December 18, 2020

Working From Home With Cats - Part 7

Hello, and Happy Friday! It's been a while since we've posted in our "Working From Home With Cats" series, but I'm here with part seven today! I'm going to pick up where we left off in July. (Don't forget to click on the photos to see the post on Instagram.) 

working from home with cats

Monday, December 14, 2020

How I "Catified" My Small, Rented Apartment

I have always been envious of people who can create the ultimate catifed environment, complete with perches, shelves, and superhighways. I always thought Lola and Lexy could not have a catified home because I live in a rental and I'm not able to make any permanent changes. Well, I was wrong! When I was at Cat Camp NYC last year, I attended a presentation given by the fabulous Kate Benjamin of Hauspanther entitled "Catification Challenge: How to Catify When You Rent."

Kate's presentation inspired me to write a post about catifying small, rented spaces. After drafting the post, I decided to take it a step further and make changes to my own apartment to show our readers that it can be done. Read on to see how I catified my rented apartment.

Catify small rented spaces

Tuesday, December 8, 2020

Six Budget-Friendly Enrichment Ideas for Your Cat

Welcome to the third post in our new series, Enriching Your Cat’s Life. Today we are going to discuss inexpensive ideas to create an enriched environment for your cat.

Enriching your cat’s space not only makes them happy, but it can also reduce stress and eliminate behavior problems. There are some very nice products available to cat parents, many of which can be on the expensive side. You don’t have to spend a lot of money to enrich your cat’s life, though. I have some fun, easy ideas that are cheap or free!