Lola The Rescued Cat
Monday, April 12, 2021

Kitten Season is Here – What You Can do to Help

Welcome to the fourth post in our Community Cat Awareness series. After a long winter, spring has arrived – flowers are blooming, the grass is greener, and the weather is warmer. But those aren’t the only things that are happening. Spring marks the beginning of kitten season, a time when shelters across the country are inundated with thousands of homeless kittens.

In today’s post, we’ll be discussing kitten season and things you can do to help cats and shelters during this time.

Monday, April 5, 2021

Rescue Stories - Clio: A Gift That Rescued Her New Mom

Hello, and Happy Monday! I'm very happy to bring you our first rescue story of 2021. Today we have the tail tale of a beautiful cat named Clio. Clio was on her way to the shelter because no one wanted to adopt the runt of the litter. Her adopter soon realized that they saved each other. So, without further ado, let's meet Clio. 


Cat rescue stories

Thursday, April 1, 2021

Lola and Lexy's Top 5 Cat-Friendly Plants for Easter

Hello, and Happy Friday! Easter is just around the corner, which means lots of households will be bringing in plants and flowers. Lexy and I want to make sure that all of your kitties are safe, so we decided to dedicate this "Top Five" post to plants and flowers that are non-toxic to cats. 

So let's get into it! 

cat-friendly plants for easter

Monday, March 29, 2021

Help for Lola and Lexy's Family

This isn't our usual type of post here on Lola The Rescued Cat, but one of my family members is in dire need of assistance.

My niece, Sylvia, had to have her leg amputated last week and my family is raising money for her living and medical expenses, especially since she'll have to relocate at some point to a home that is conducive to her new needs. She has been experiencing medical difficulties for the past several years (all details on the Gofundme page) and has just about exhausted all of her paid time off. She currently has less than two weeks of accrued time on the books.

In 1989 Sylvia was a victim of gun violence, and the femoral artery in her right leg was severed. At the time doctors were able to perform a bypass to save her leg, but over the years she had to have three additional bypasses. The doctors did everything they could at this point, but there were no other options or any other way to save her leg.

Sylvia, a single mother, has three beautiful children who are very worried about their mother's condition and the near future for not only her but themselves as well.

This is a devastating and traumatic experience for our entire family as we rally together to try to help her financially. 

I'm turning to our dedicated following to ask you to please share her Gofund Me campaign. It is anticipated that she will be out of work for at least a year at this point. 

This is the direct link to the campaign:

Any shares are greatly appreciated as we try to keep her afloat and keep her home expenses paid.

Thank you!

Dawn, Lola and Lexy
Monday, March 22, 2021

Get Rid of Stains and Odors with Kids N' Pets All-Purpose Stain & Odor Remover

If you have pets, you probably have messes. In my house, in addition to any hairball or other tummy issues that end up on the carpet, I have my own "oops" moments when I'm afraid something I spilled will ruin my furniture or floors. I have a great product to tell you about today to clean up all of those "oops" from both the two and four-legged family members. 

Kids N' Pets Instant All-Purpose Stain & Odor Remover

Tuesday, March 16, 2021

Save Kittens With Tailspring Milk Replacer

This post is sponsored by Tailspring. 

Orphaned kittens are fragile little beings who require around the clock care and feeding. Many people may not be aware that neonatal kittens cannot be fed just any type of milk. Because they lack the proper enzymes to digest lactose, feeding them cow’s milk can cause diarrhea and dehydration very quickly. The best replacement for their sensitive stomachs and underdeveloped immune systems is one that gives them nutritional benefits similar to their mother’s milk.

I am excited to be partnering with Tailspring and Mews & Merlot, an organization dedicated to saving the tiniest lives, to tell you about Tailspring’s milk replacer.

Monday, March 8, 2021

What is a Community Cat?

Welcome to the third post in our Community Cat Awareness series. In some of the webinars I have attended, one of the topics discussed was the fact that many people do not understand what a community cat is, or why they are in their neighborhood. For the cats’ health and safety, it is important to educate people on this subject.

In today’s post, we will be answering the question, “What is a community cat?”

what is a community cat?