Lola The Rescued Cat
Thursday, September 23, 2021

Cat Pawsitive Pro Program Helps Cats Get Adopted - #RememberMeThursday 2021

One of the things I enjoy about being a writer is having the opportunity to promote pet adoption and encouraging people to support their local shelters and rescues. Although I’m currently not able to physically volunteer at a shelter, be a foster, or do TNR, I can help by volunteering my time writing. 

I have been volunteering for the Jackson Galaxy Project’s Cat Pawsitive Pro (CPP) Program for about three years now. For those of you not familiar with CPP, it is a groundbreaking program developed by Jackson Galaxy and a team of animal behavior experts that helps cats in shelters to find their “mojo” and their forever homes. Cat Pawsitive training applies positive, reward-based clicker training that positively reinforces good behaviors which helps cats in many ways. A shy cat can learn to feel comfortable coming to the front of its cage to meet a potential adopter, a feisty cat can learn to play nice, and an outgoing kitty can even learn to give an endearing "high five" to his visitors. The training also reduces the stressors that might keep a cat from connecting with a potential adopter and can help seal the adoption deal.

Monday, September 20, 2021

Mark Your Calendars! Our #RememberMeThursday Blog Hop is Thursday!

Hello, and Happy Monday! Lexy and I are popping in today to remind everyone that Remember Me Thursday is this Thursday! We hope you'll all stop by our blog to join the blog hop.

It's easy peasy to join the blog hop. Here's how! 

  • Grab the badge below and insert it into your post. 
  • Publish your post on or before Thursday, September 23, 2021.
  • Visit our blog and submit your post link to the blog hop list. 

Then start hopping! Be sure to visit the other blogs participating in the hop to read about how others are shining a light on orphan pets!

We can't wait to read all of the wonderful post for Remember Me Thursday! See you then! 

Thursday, September 9, 2021

Remember Me Thursday is 9/23/2021 - Here's How You Can Participate

Hello, and Happy Thursday Purrsday! Lexy and I are very excited that it's September. Can you guess why? Never mind, I'll just tell you. One of our favorite things to celebrate and participate in, Remember Me Thursday, is right around the corner and we're super excited to partner with Helen Woodward Animal Center (HWAC) to host the fourth annual Remember Me Thursday Blog Hop. (Don't forget to scroll to the bottom to see how to join.)

We've been participating in the Remember Me Thursday movement since 2016 and hosting the Blog Hop since 2018. This day is very important to us because we want to use our voices to be advocats to save animals in shelters. You can catch up on all of our Remember Me Thursday posts here

Monday, August 23, 2021

5 Myths About Feral Cats Debunked

Welcome back to our Community Cat Awareness series. In our last post, I gave readers some pointers on how to tell how old a kitten is. Today I’m going to debunk five myths about feral cats. 

Monday, August 16, 2021

The 2020 Cat Writers' Association Certificates of Excellence

 A few weeks ago the Cat Writers' Association announced the Certificates of Excellence Winners in the 2020 Communications Contest. Similar to last year, I was blown away by the results because once again I was the top Certificate of Excellence winner. This year I was honored with 13. 

Monday, July 26, 2021

Reduce Your Cat's Stress With the RelaxoPet PRO

Many cat parents are familiar with situations that cause stress for their cats: vet visits, car rides, getting in the carrier, thunderstorms, changes in routine, fireworks, moving, etc. These scenarios not only stress out our cats, but they can cause us to be very anxious as well.  

A lot of cat parents, including me, prefer not to use medication to sedate their pets. If you're looking for a natural, medication-free way to reduce your cat's stress, then the RelaxoPet PRO is just what you're looking for. 

Monday, July 19, 2021

How to Tell How Old a Kitten is and Why It's Important to Know

Welcome back to our Community Cat Awareness series. In this post, I discussed some helpful tips to use if you find a kitten. Today I’m going to talk about how you can tell how old the kitten is and why it’s important to know that.