Lola The Rescued Cat
Monday, December 27, 2021

Secret Paws 2021

Happy Monday! We hope all of our friends had a wonderful Christmas. Our Christmas morning was made even more special because we had our presents from our Secret Paws to open! This year our Secret Paws were Buckwheat and Dixie Snapp! Would you believe that after seven years of blogging Lexy and I had never met Buckwheat and Dixie? Unbelievable, I know. 

They sent us a lovely package! 

Tuesday, December 7, 2021

8 Holiday Gifts That Give Back to Animals

Hello, everyone. This is Lexy checking in with some fabulous gift ideas for all of your loved ones on your Christmas list this year. This is not any ordinary list, though. Every gift on this list gives back to animals! Wrapping up one of these items is a win-win for everyone; you choose a great present that the recipient will love, and animals benefit, too. Lola and I hope you like the choices we’ve purrsonally curated.

gifts that give back to animals twitter graphic

Friday, November 26, 2021

Lola and Lexy’s Top Ten Christmas Gifts for Your Cat

Hello, and happy Friday! Today is Black Friday, and Lexy and I are pawsitive that you're doing a little bit of Christmas shopping for your cats. We're sharing some fab things that we think will make purrfect Christmas gifts for your favorite feline. (Some of these are our absolute favorite things!)

These are our top ten recommendations (in no particular order, and in varying price ranges.)

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Thursday, November 18, 2021

Eight Ways to Use Your Talents to Help a Shelter

The Humane Society of the United States  founded National Shelter Appreciation Week in 1995 to acknowledge and promote the role of animal shelters in our communities. During this appreciation week, people are encouraged to become acquainted with their local animal shelter and learn how they can help them in saving animals' lives.

Today we have eight ways you can use your talents to help your local shelter and show them you appreciate everything they do for the animals and your community. 

Monday, November 1, 2021

The Animal Dynamics© With Coryelle Kramer

Many people in the pet world may be familiar with Coryelle Kramer, who is an animal communicator. (Especially if you attended the BlogPaws conference in 2018.) Coryelle and I became fast friends through our sessions with Lola and Lexy, which are always very insightful and helpful. She has recently expanded her work to include something very exciting, and we’re both happy to share it with you today. 

For those who may not be familiar with what animal communication is, Coryelle explains that it is “basically talking to your animal to find out answers to your questions.” These can be questions about their behaviors, the way they see the world, if they are experiencing health issues, or if it’s their time to transition. Through animal communication, you can find out answers to questions you would not ordinarily be able to. 

Coryelle has taken her work to a new level by identifying the Animal Dynamics©. Before working with The Animal Dynamics, Coryelle considered her work to be “straight animal communication.” Most of her sessions in the past were limited to 60 minutes at most. Coryelle found that although these sessions were effective, they were limiting because they did not allow the animal to fully get over the issues they were working on (particularly if it was a behavioral issue.) 

Wednesday, October 27, 2021

Lola and Lexy's Top 5 Halloween Safety Tips for Your Cat

Hello, and welcome to another "Top Five"! In our previous post, we discussed five cat-friendly Easter plants. If you missed it, you can catch up on it here

With Halloween right around the corner, we thought we'd write a post about Halloween safety. So without further ado, here are our Top Five Halloween Safety Tips For Your Cat.

Saturday, October 16, 2021

Five Ways You Can Help Feral Cats - National Feral Cat Day 2021

Thank you for joining us for another post in our Community Cat Awareness series. Today is National Feral Cat Day and we're joining Alley Cat Allies in advocating for the lives of cats. 

Some people believe you have to be an "expert" in rescue to intervene in the lives of feral cats, but that's not true. Read on for five ways you can help feral cats.