Lola The Rescued Cat
Sunday, December 3, 2023

Miracles Do Happen! Lola's Recovery

Lola: Hello, and Happy Sunday! It is a Happy Sunday indeed! I am over the moon to be here today to share the good news of the improvement in my health. Just three weeks ago I posted that I wasn't doing well, and I didn't think I had much time left with my family and my friends. But miracles do happen, and not only am I still here, I'm doing much better. Let me fill you in. 

To catch up on all of the details, you can read my first post and then the second. I am one lucky kitty, let me tell you, because I had more purrs from humans and pets than I could even count. 

Many thanks to Miss Ann of Zoolatry for this pawesome graphic. 

Sunday, November 19, 2023

Selfie Sunday and an Update 11/18/23

Lola: Hello, and happy Sunday! And it is indeed a happy Sunday because I'm here to share the day with all of you. I have some pretty good news to share with you this week. 

Sunday, November 12, 2023

An Update on My Health 11-12-23

Hello, friends. I usually start my posts with "Hello, and Happy (whatever day it is!), but today's post is a little serious. I'm afraid I have some not so good news to share with you about my health. Over the nine years we have been blogging we have read many posts about pets' health issues and have dreaded the day when we had to share some serious news as well. I'm afraid that day is today. 

Sunday, September 10, 2023

Selife Sunday 9/10/23 and an Update

 Lola: Hello, friends! It's been quite a while since we've posted here on the blog. Life has been a little hectic here in our neck of the woods. 

Lexy: We can't tell you how much we've missed our blogosphere family. And we want you to know how important you all are to us. 

Lola: Yes, that's right for sure. Okay, so onto the selfies and the update. Mommy will fill you in. 

Sunday, July 9, 2023

Selfie Sunday 7-9-2023

Hello, and happy Sunday! Lexy and I are happy to be spending Sunday with you again. Here's my selfie for today. 

tabby cat meowing
Friday, July 7, 2023

Gifts for Cat Lovers by Union Square & Co. (And a Giveaway!)

I love finding unique gifts for the cat lovers in my life. Today I have two wonderful products to share with you. 

Two cats with cat themed items.
Sunday, June 25, 2023

Selfie Sunday and an Update - 6/25/23

Hello, and Happy Friday! Wow, Lexy and I can't believe we haven't had a blog post since February 20th! I don't think we've gone this long without posting since we started our blog. We've given some updates on our lives since moving, which you can read herehere, and here.  I'm going to let Mommy take over from here. Go ahead, Mommy.