Lola The Rescued Cat
Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Happy New Year!!

Happy New Year to all of our friends, new and old! As we say goodbye to 2014, we are looking back on what a wonderful year we had.  Here are the things that happened:

  1. We made many new friends and got many new likes on our Facebook page.  We work very hard on our page to make it a friendly place that people enjoy going to.  
  2. We started blogging! Our website went live this year, and we're busy working on topics for interesting posts.  
  3. Mommy had a busy year, too.  She graduated from massage school, passed her state boards, and became a Licensed Massage Therapist. 
  4. Lexy and I got along really well this year.  Our relationship continues to grow and we're becoming better friends. 
  5. Will and Mommy saved a kitten! Will found the kitten under a car, and brought it to Mommy.  Mommy named her Gracie, took her to the vet, and then found a rescue to take her.  (Gracie is now in her forever home.) 
  6. The most exciting thing that happened this year was that our book was published!  It was  a labor of love that we were so happy to see come to fruition. (That's Mommy's word - I don't really know what fruition is. But I know I was happy to finally hold our book in my paws!)  I did A LOT of dictating to Mommy who helped me type it all up and send it to Miss Peg over at The Silloway Press who helped us make it into a real book! Thank you, Miss Peg.  
That was an exciting year! We have made a few goals for ourselves for 2015. (Well, they're mostly Mommy's goals, since she needs to learn stuff to help me and Lexy be popular cats.) 
  1. Mommy is going to the Blog Paws conference to learn how to be professional. Then she can teach us to be more professional bloggers.  (And maybe she'll bring home some good stuff, too). 
  2. Mommy is going to learn to make graphics.  Let's just say, ummm..... she really stinks at it. 
  3. We're going to blog and update our Facebook page on a regular basis. Mommy needs to help us with this.  
  4. Lexy and I may start a second book! Imagine that! Another book! We're putting our heads together to figure things out.  
Well, it looks like Mommy has a lot of work to do in 2015!

We are looking forward to another great year,and wish all of our friends a happy new year filled with love and prosperity. 

Sunday, December 28, 2014


Shhhh... I'm in Lexy's bed. And I never sleep in a bed. Well, in a cat bed, anyway. Ever since I got better and didn't have to live in the Executive Suite (the bathroom) anymore, I never slept in a cat bed again. I only slept on the furniture. Once I started sleeping in Mommy's bed I never turned back! That's been my favorite place ever since.
Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Merry Christmas!

We want to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas!   As you celebrate with family, please don't forget others who are alone, both humans and animals.
This is a photo of me taken my first Christmas at home. This is a long way from the dumpster I was foud in. My wish is for every animal in the world to be as lucky and happy as me!
Merry Christmas!
Friday, December 19, 2014

Wishing you a cozy day

There's nothing like a messy, lumpy blanket on a chilly morning. Wishing everyone a cozy day.
Thursday, December 18, 2014

Mommy says I'm so cute she can't stand it. Should I be insulted?

Sunday, December 14, 2014

Happy Sunday, everyone! Well, there are 11 days til Christmas and we wanted to share some information about our project, Lola and Lexy's Christmas Shelter Project. We started this project a couple of years ago and I'll tell you why.  Lexy and I always get so many prezzies at Christmas from our friends (which we love and appreciate so much!) But since we are both shelter cats, we remember what it was like to be in a shelter at Christmas with no family and nothing to call our own.  So we decided that we wanted to do something for rescues and shelters everywhere, but most importantly, for the animals in the shelters.  So we started our project! 

OK, so this is what it's all about! Instead of buying gifts and treats for kitties that already have the world in their paws, take that money and donate to a rescue or a shelter!  Lexy did some research and came up with this list of things that shelters could use (AND.... you may even have some of this stuff at home and don't even have to buy anything!)

1.  TIME. Shelters can always use volunteers.
2.  Pet food and treats.
3.  Blankets and towels.
4.  Kitty litter and litter boxes.
5. Nursing bottles.
6.  Old newspaper
7. Collars, harnesses and leashes.
8. Grooming supplies
9.  TOYS
10.  Crates and carries.
11.  Paper towels
12.  Cleaning supplies (including mops, brooms and sponges).
13.  Garbage bags.
14.  Flea and tick treatment
15.  Heating pads
16. Office supplies (such as pens, paper clips, staples, copy paper, envelopes, etc.)
17. Food bowls
18.  Rubber and latex gloves
19.  Plastic shopping bags.
20. You can donate your skills!  Do you have a special talent or hobby like photography or making videos? You can help an animal get a forever home by
      taking their photo or making a video!
21. You can donate your pets gently used items.
22.  You can donate a place in your home.  Be a foster!
23.  Hand sanitizer and hand cleaner.
24. Gift cards to pet stores, grocery stores, home improvement or office supply stores.
25.  Beds
26. Cat scratchers.  
27. Puppy training pads.

And of course you can check with the shelter/rescue you want to donate to and ask them what their wish list is.

With the sale of our book, we have already helped Oliver's Orphan Oasis,  Meow StoriesAbandoned Angels Cat RescueCatopia Feline Rescue of ArizonaThe Granny Project, and Riverfront Cats.  AND..... we are busy putting together a very special package for Tabby's Place.  Tabby's is one of Mommy's favorite places on earth, and she is going there in person to bring all of the things.  

Are you going to donate to a shelter or rescue this Christmas? Please post your photos on our Facebook Page!  We would love to see them. 


Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Book Sale!

We're having a book sale on our Facebook Page this Friday!

Two dollars of every book sold will be donated to the rescue or shelter of the buyer's choice (must be able to be paid via pay pal).  We will be giving away bookmarks made by my friend Zoe Blue's mom, and we will have a Lola trivia contest with prizes! We hope you'll join us! 

If you can't make it, you can still buy a purrsonally pawtographed book from us here

Happy Holidays! 
