Lola The Rescued Cat
Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Mommy's First Blogpaws!

Exactly four weeks from today Mommy is leaving to go to the Blogpaws Conference in Nashville.

I'm Going to BlogPaws 2015! Join me!

This is very exciting, because it's our first step towards being serious bloggers! Mommy says she's going to learn a lot of new stuff that will make our blog a whole lot better.  (OK, just between you, me, and the lamp post, how could a blog get any better than having photos of cute kitties doing cute stuff? I mean, it can't get much better than that,can it?)

Anyhoo.. Mommy says there's lots to learn!  Some of the sessions she signed up for are Pinterest Power: How Publishers Can Grow Traffic With This Powerful Visual Search Engine; Facebook, Twitter and Instagram; SEO (that sounds REALLY boring, but Mommy says it's important so people can find our blog on search engines); and How To Get Noticed By Media That Matters. She's very excited about the CWA (Cat Writer's Association) Writing Track.  She's hoping to learn how to market our book better to increase our sales so we can maybe start on a second book! Me and Lexy want to be Pet Celebrity Spokescats, so we signed her up for that session.

The FAB part of the conference is that she'll get to meet some famous kitties! We're not sure who all will be there, but we know for sure that Coco, The Couture Cat  AND Summer will be there! (Oh, we forgot to say... Summer's human is speaking at the conference and Mommy cannot wait for that!)  Coco's mom and our Mommy are going to exchange pawtographed copies of our book! How super is that?!? Mommy is really looking forward to meeting Summer's human, because they have been big supporters of our blog since day 1. (I asked Mommy to give Summer and Coco a smooch on the nose for me, but she said that may not be a good idea, because not all kitties like smooches on the noses.  She said she'll give them a scritch on the head instead.  I can live with that, although smooches on noses are better.)

Let's see... who else will she be meeting? Well, The Kitties Blue mom and dad will be there and they even signed up for some of the same sessions as Mommy! Mommy also met lots of people on the Blog Paws Community that she can't wait to meet, too.  (A side note: If you're a new blogger and new to the Blog Paws Conference, the community is a great place to meet people and learn a lot of stuff.)

And of course, we can't leave out Katie's and Waffles' mom, Glogirly. Miss Debbie helped us get ready for the conference by designing our business cards and media kit, and our blog, too! She also gave Mommy lots of ideas for the conference. And you know what else? She designed our table banner for book signings. We are now looking professional and ready for business! (I asked Mommy go give Miss Debbie a smooch on the nose for me, but she said "Lola, that would be very inappropriate."  *shrugs* I don't see the big deal, but whatever...)

If you or your human is going to Blog Paws, please let us know! Mommy would love to meet you.

Monday, April 27, 2015

How To Make Your Human Late For Work....

... on a Monday Morning!

First thing you do is make yourself nice and comfortable on top of them while they're still in bed.

Then you start to lay on the charm and look cute.  (This is easy for kitties, since we're cute all the time.)

Works like a charm! Mommy just couldn't get out of bed.

Saturday, April 25, 2015

Caturday Meow!

Happy Caturday, Kitties! This week we'd like to dedicate our Caturday Meow to Brian of Brian's Home.  Earlier this week he was rushed to the emergency vet. He's doing better now, but still recovering.  Let's meow loud enough for him to hear us all the way over at his house so he can feel the power of the MEOW!

Are you ready? 1... 2.. 3! LIVE from NEW YORK it's Caturday Night! All the kitties in the house say MEE-OWW!

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Prayers for Brian!

Our friend, Brian from Brian's Home was taken to the Emergency Vet last night.  Let's all put our purr power together and pray for a speedy recovery.  Get better soon, Brian!

Lola, Lexy and Mom
Saturday, April 18, 2015

Caturday Night Meow

Are you ready? LIVE from NEW YORK it's Caturday Night! All the kitties in the house say Mee-ow!

Friday, April 17, 2015

Review - The Cat's Meow Toy

I admit it. Even though I've never met a box I didn't like, I can be a picky kitty.  I'm picky about my canned food, and I'm picky about toys.  So is Lola (and she's REALLY picky about food, too. But don't tell her I told you.) It takes a special toy to hold our attention on an ongoing basis, and we have a toy box full of stuff to prove it.  Mother has bought many a toy with the vision of the two of us jumping for joy while playing with it, only to have her bubble (and wallet) broken.  Well, that was until she brought home The Cat's Meow.

Photo courtesy of

I have one word for this toy, and that is MEOWZA! It is unbelievably F.U.N. and I can't get enough of it! Here I am sitting next to it waiting for Mother to turn it on for me.

Excuse me, Mother.  Could you use those thumbs to turn this on?

Saturday, April 11, 2015

It's Time For The Caturday Meow!

Last Caturday we told everyone about our Caturday Night Meow party on Facebook.  Since not everyone is on Facebook, we have decided we're going to start meowing on Saturdays right here on our blog.  We hope to hear a lot of Meowing!  (It may only be Caturday morning here in NY, but it's Caturday Night somewhere in the world!)

Are you read? LIVE from NEW YORK it's Caturday Night! All the kitties in the house say mee-oww!

Lola and Lexy