Lola The Rescued Cat
Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Paws Together for Texas: How to Help Animals Affected by Harvey

As Hurricane Harvey continues to wreak devastation on Texas, our thoughts and prayers go out to all who have been affected by this disaster. As happens all too often during a natural disaster, not all shelters allow pets. This leaves many families having to make difficult decisions. Some pets end up in shelters (hopefully temporarily until they can be reunited with their families), some are abandoned, and some are lost. Let’s not forget the animals who are in shelters in the affected areas, as well as the number of homeless animals living on the street.

Thanks to Ann of Zoolatry for this graphic
Monday, August 28, 2017

Save the Date! Remember Me Thursday is 9-28-17!

Hello, and Happy Monday! Get your calendars out so you can save the date for a very important event. Ready with your pencils? Okay, the date is Thursday, September 28, 2017. The event is Remember Me Thursday

Remember Me Thursday|Helen Woodward Animal Center

Tuesday, August 22, 2017

4 Signs Your Cat May Need to go to the Vet - #Cat2VetDay

Today, August 22, is Take Your Cat to the Vet Day. The CATalyst Council, American Association of Feline Practitioners, The International Cat Association the Cat Fanciers' Association and Royal Canin are joining forces to show support for cat health and wellness by urging more attention to preventive veterinary care for cats. 

signs of illness in cats|#Cat2VetDay

Friday, August 18, 2017

Honeycat Cosmetics Will Make You RAWR! (Discount and Giveaway!)

At Cat Camp this past March I met many people from different parts of the cat loving world. One person I was delighted to chat with was Terri of Honeycat Cosmetics. Her display quickly drew me to her table and I was immediately intrigued by her products.

Sorry, Lexy. These goodies are for Mother

Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Clear the Shelters 2017 #ClearTheShelters

Hello, and Happy Wednesday! I’m very excited to be meowing with you about a very important day. This Saturday, August 19, is Clear the Shelters Day! As former shelter cats, Lexy and I love spreading the word about this important day because our wish is for all animals to have a forever home. 

Monday, August 14, 2017

Oh My Gravy! Weruva BFF OMG! is 'People Food for Cats" #weruvagrade

As much as I don’t like to admit it, I’m a picky eater. Our mom gets a little frustrated because sometimes it’s a struggle to get me to eat and my weight goes up and down. I just think she worries too much! And while I don’t eat a lot, Lexy eats too much. Sigh… what’s Mommy to do? Well, she’s not alone in her struggles. We recently learned that she is experiencing not one, but two of the most three common cat concerns; picky eating, weight gain, and urinary tract issues. 

Weruva|B.F.F. OMG!|

We’re partnering with Weruva a luxurious, natural pet food dubbed "people food for cats", which is launching a full line of gluten, grain, and carrageenan-free cat food in honor of International Cat Day and just in time for Happy Healthy Cat Month in September.
Friday, August 11, 2017

Release Your Feline's Inner Lynx With BLUE Wilderness #ChewyInfluencer

Hello, everyone. This is Lexy checking in with our #ChewyInflulencer review. After perusing the fab choices Chewy had for their influencers, I couldn’t help but choose the BLUE Wilderness Pate Variety Pack. I felt it was time for Lola and me to release our inner big cat and eat like a Lynx with this meat-rich food. I’ll give you a little bit of a spoiler here – we really wanted to ROAR after eating this! 

Blue Wilderness|Blue Buffalo Cat Food