Lola The Rescued Cat
Sunday, January 30, 2022

Selfie Sunday and a Message for Our Friends

Hello, and Happy Sunday! Wow... it sure has been a long time since we've done selfies, that's for sure! It feels good to be here today on selfie Sunday with our friends. 

Before I go any further, here are our selfies for today! 

We got a lot of snow this weekend, and I mean A LOT of snow! Here I am watching it from my cat tree. 
Wednesday, January 12, 2022

The PIXI Smart Feeder by Catit

I don’t have the typical 9 to 5 job, and I work erratic hours sometimes. Add my part-time job to the mix and there are days I find myself leaving the house at 7:00 am and getting home at 10:00 pm. I always leave food out for Lexy and Lola but worry if it’s enough, or if Lexy will binge eat. When I come through the door at night they are sometimes immediately meowing for their evening meal. 

Catit pixi feeder twitter graphic
Thursday, January 6, 2022

Rescue Stories - Dickens: He Never Forgot Who Rescued Him

Hello, and Happy Wednesday! Welcome to our first rescue story for 2022. Today's story is shared with us by Katherine Finley, who tells us the tale of her beautiful cat, Dickens, who came into her life by accident. So without further ado, let's meet Dickens. 

Black cat rescue story twitter graphic

Wednesday, December 29, 2021

How to Build a Feeding Station for Community Cats

In a previous post in our Community Cat Awareness series, we talked about maintaining feeding stations for community cats. Today we're discussing how you can build a feeding station. 

Monday, December 27, 2021

Secret Paws 2021

Happy Monday! We hope all of our friends had a wonderful Christmas. Our Christmas morning was made even more special because we had our presents from our Secret Paws to open! This year our Secret Paws were Buckwheat and Dixie Snapp! Would you believe that after seven years of blogging Lexy and I had never met Buckwheat and Dixie? Unbelievable, I know. 

They sent us a lovely package! 

Tuesday, December 7, 2021

8 Holiday Gifts That Give Back to Animals

Hello, everyone. This is Lexy checking in with some fabulous gift ideas for all of your loved ones on your Christmas list this year. This is not any ordinary list, though. Every gift on this list gives back to animals! Wrapping up one of these items is a win-win for everyone; you choose a great present that the recipient will love, and animals benefit, too. Lola and I hope you like the choices we’ve purrsonally curated.

gifts that give back to animals twitter graphic

Friday, November 26, 2021

Lola and Lexy’s Top Ten Christmas Gifts for Your Cat

Hello, and happy Friday! Today is Black Friday, and Lexy and I are pawsitive that you're doing a little bit of Christmas shopping for your cats. We're sharing some fab things that we think will make purrfect Christmas gifts for your favorite feline. (Some of these are our absolute favorite things!)

These are our top ten recommendations (in no particular order, and in varying price ranges.)

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