Lola The Rescued Cat
Tuesday, November 15, 2022

The Sleepypod Atom - A Modern Cat Carrier

Going to the vet is always stressful for my girls, especially Lexy. Making the vet visit less traumatic begins at home, and for us, it starts with actually getting into the carrier. The type of carrier is also essential. When shopping for a carrier there are several features I look for. I need to be able to slip my girls in easily without a fight, and the carrier needs to be comfortable and offer them security. Today I have a wonderful carrier to share with you. 

Black and white cat with Sleepypod Atom carrier

Thursday, August 4, 2022

The 2021 Cat Writers' Association Certificates of Excellence

 A few weeks ago The Cat Writers' Association (CWA) sent out a newsletter announcing the winners of Certificates of Excellence for the 2021 Annual Communications Contest. I was very excited to learn that I won 14 Certificates of Excellence this year. 

For those who are unfamiliar with the organization, CWA  is a global, cat-centric organization that is dedicated to excellence in written, visual, and audio media. The organization is comprised of authors, photographers, videographers, graphic artists, bloggers, people on radio and television, and any other media out there, who share information about cats for the general public.

Here are my entries that won Certificates of Excellence and are finalists for the organization's coveted Muse Medallion:

1.  Reduce Your Cat's Stress With the RelaxoPet PRO (Written Article: Product Review)

Black and white cat with Petlibro Fountain

Sunday, July 31, 2022

Selfie Sunday 7/31/2022 and Some Other Stuff

 Lola: Hello, and Happy Sunday! 

Lexy: We're delighted to be back with you all today.

Lola: We just love Selfie Sunday! We picked a few today that will help us tell you a little bit about what's been going on. 

Lexy: We've been doing some of our same old things, just in a new place. And we've even branched out and have been trying something new. 

Lola: Okay, I'll go first. Of course, I'm still sleeping on my own personal pillow on the bed. And of course, I look so cute I convince Mommy (on many days) not to make the bed. 

Tabby cat on a pillow.

Thursday, June 16, 2022

We're Back! And We Moved!

Lola: Hello, and Happy Purrsday! Oh, I've so missed all of our friends! Our lives have been so busy that our heads have been absolutely spinning. 

Lexy: Hello from me, too! I've missed blogging more than I imagined I would. And yes, our heads are spinning. Well, Mother's head is mostly spinning, and if it weren't for Alexa and Siri, she wouldn't know what day it is. 

Lola: But we've got some very exciting news! 

Lexy: As you can tell from the title of this post, we have moved. We are no longer city cats. Mother, Lola, and I have packed up and moved to the suburbs. 

Monday, May 9, 2022

Tabby’s Place is Saving Cats with FeLV

If you’ve been following my blog for a good amount of time, you know that I have a long-standing relationship with Tabby’s Place in Ringoes, NJ. Tabby’s is to me what Disneyland is to a lot of people; one of my favorite places. I first visited the sanctuary in 2011 and have continued to visit and support them over the years. It has been exciting to see Tabby’s grow in leaps and bounds over the past 11 years, and they haven’t stopped. Today I’m thrilled to tell you about their new project, Quinn’s Corner, a haven for cats infected with feline leukemia virus (FeLV.)

Quinn's Corner Twitter Graphic

Monday, March 7, 2022

Laika Pets Aqua Ultra Quiet Cat Fountain Review

As cat parents, we always need to give our cats what they need to live a healthy life. One of the important things we need to do is avoid dehydration. Lexy loves flowing water, and I always have two fountains running in the apartment. As an influencer, I enjoy telling our readers about fountains I have the opportunity to review so you can choose one that will work best for you and your cat. If you've been looking for a fountain that is whisper quiet, I have one for you today. 

Laika Fountain Twitter Graphic
Sunday, March 6, 2022

Selfie Sunday 3/6/2022

Hello, and happy Sunday! Here are our selfies for today. Mommy wanted to make the bed, and Lexy and I had different ideas. 

This is me with my "if you think I'm going to move, you're wrong" look. 

Tabby cat on a bed